Knowledge Base: Our Internal System of Thought

Designed, maintaing, enhanced and extended by us, to ensure it aligns with present and future needs,of academix research and client support

Horizon Scanning

Our continous monitoring process, by humans not machines. We collate information from an extensive network of different of sources, formats, lifecycle states (revision numbers, proposals, approvals), etc:


Before we begin to use any information, a series of checks are undertaken to determine its accuracy, quality and validity.

Scrutiny is applied to all collated information to determine its accuracy, quality, validity

, to assess accuracy, quality and valid

Information the horizon scanning process undergoes a rigorous s

Collated information

Every piece of information we collect, is

All of the information we collate

Scrutiny is undertaken against the horizon scanned information

then applied to information from horizon scanning.

We don

Scrutiny is applied to all collated information,

as shown in the snapshot below). This enables us to gain critical insights / perspectives on current and emerging topics, considerably sooner, to them evolving into potentially significant future challenges for our clients.



Knowledge Base

  • Our internal sytem of thought:

    • Collecting and storing data.

    • Systematically investigating it.

    • Evaluating requirements, issues and impacts.

    • Observing

collect and assess informationwhere we:

  • Horizon Scanning: contiually monitor topics from extensive variety of sources.

  • Systematic Investigation: on identified topics.

  • Evaluation: requirements, obligations, data collection,

  • The place where westore

  • store manage access

  • How we organise our sources of data, thoughts, reviews, models on topics.

  • Used to produce resources and support consulting services.